Sunday, November 23, 2008

I finally did it!!!!

Hey everybody, I finally got a blog! I just never sat down to do it. So it is still in the works but I thought I would get it out here for everyone to see! Can't wait to hear from all of you!


kelley said...

welcome to the cyber world!

Aunt K

cad said...

Yeah Amie! So glad you got your blog up and running. I love seeing my kids in a whole new light! It's enlightening to me and very fun. Love you, Mom

shaniel said...
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shaniel said...

Im so glad you made one. Now we need to get Steve to get one, ya right. Maybe Misty can help him. Happy Thanksgiving!!

KT said...

Hello from kerstina! Glad you decided to join us too. Can't wait to hear from you.

Kelsey said...

Yeah! I can't wait for you to get some pictures up. This blog thing is so fun!

shaniel said...

Amie, you came and then you went. When you gonna update?

The Morgans said...

Yay Amie. Welcome to the world of blogging. It's fun and i love how we can keep up with everybody. It's fun!

Nat said...

I didn't know you had a blog. Email me and I'll send you an invite to mine.


Kelsey said...

Amie where are you???

Kelsey said...

Are you still there??

cad said...

Amie, come back!!!!

Oliver family said...

Amie...Steve wants to know where the HELL you are?

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